2012 Championship Match

I was away from Saimoe for a week due to storm related power outages (did you think I died? I don't have quite that much in common with Toki), but I didn't miss much. Saki has, as expected, wiped out everyone else in the quarterfinals and produced a Toki vs Kuro championship match.

Butthurt people responded to this by DDOSing the site, causing the start of voting to be delayed a couple hours. The curves are obviously twisted by fakes, and it's clear that the disruptions have kept a lot of voters out in a match that was already faced with apathy from everyone who isn't into Saki.

Nevertheless, this remains a glorious day for those of us who rank Saki among their favorite anime and like both of the competing characters. Japan may have wrought another clusterfuck, but at least they have good taste this time.

Gratuitous Toki picture:

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