2012 Group Finals Results

Saki surprisingly defeated Koromo. Since Koromo showed strength in the final rush and Saki's advantage came in the morning, it's likely that voters from outside the core Saki faction went with the main character.

Congratulations to Toki, (almost) Saimoe 2012! With a ruthless performance featuring 58.3% of the vote, 583 votes (far more than any non-Saki has gotten) and a 166 vote margin of victory over Akarin~, who was the strongest non-Saki remaining and the only one worthy to contest Saki for the title, Toki can already see the ending.
For those of you who bemoan Saki domination, rejoice: A Saki loss in this tournament would mean another 40 of them running wild next year when they qualify due to the 3 extra episodes. Now that a Saki character is on the verge of being crowned saimoe, they'll be in furiten next time around.

For those of you with good taste, rejoice: One of the most moe characters out there is winning.

Hisa narrowly beat Cure Peace. Interestingly, Peace had more votes near the end of the match, even though Saki traditionally rushes in the last hour. It was a good attempt, but not quite enough. Saki will have 6 of the 8 quarterfinals spots.





Shana made a stunning comeback to overthrow meat. It's possible that the Saki/Rie truce suspected earlier is real: Saki fans tend to vote at the end of the match, the quarterfinals now consist entirely of Saki and Rie characters, and, of course, people who aren't Saki fans have probably given up on the tournament in despair by now.

There's some rumors going around regarding strange activity with vote codes. >>73500690 >>73501193 Bookmarked for future reference, but further investigation is required for now.

The quarterfinals draw:
QF1: Louise De La Valliere Vs Toki Onjouji
QF2: Nodoka Haramura Vs Saki Miyanaga
QF3: Kuro Matsumi Vs Yuu Matsumi
QF4: Shana Vs Hisa Takei

Predicted outcome: Toki beating everyone, Nodoka > Saki, Yuu > Kuro, and Shana beating Hisa before losing to Yuu.

Prediction Record: 5-3 Round 4, R3: 12-4, R2: 23-9, R1: 70-26

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